Publications 1993

  • Schröder, Wolfgang; Behr, R.; Menne, Stephan - “Analysis of hypersonic flows around space transportation systems via cfd methods” - Aiandglr Fifth International Aerospace Planes And Hypersonics Technologies Conference
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  • Schröder, Wolfgang; Behr, R. - “3d hypersonic flow over a two-stage spacecraft” - Lecture
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  • Schröder, Wolfgang; Mergler, F. - “Investigation of the flowfield over parallel-arranged launch vehicles” - 23. Fluid Dynamics, Plasmadynamics, and Lasers Conference - doi:10.2514/6.1993-3060
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  • Weiland, C.; Schröder, W.; Menne, S. - “An extended insight into hypersonic flow phenomena using numerical methods” - Computers & fluids - vol 22 no 4/5 content/page 407-426 - doi:10.1016/0045-7930(93)90016-3
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  • Schröder, Wolfgang; Hartmann, Gerhard - “Detailed Numerical Analysis of Hypersonic Flows over a Two-Stage Spacecraft” - Journal of spacecraft and rockets - vol 1 no 4 content/page 8-13 - doi:10.2514/3.25465
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  • Breuer, M.; Hänel, D.; Klöker, J.; Meinke, Matthias - “Computation of unsteady vortical flows” - Computers & fluids - vol 22 no 2/3 content/page 229-237 - doi:10.1016/0045-7930(93)90055-E
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  • Wulfhorst, B.; Weber, M.; BrĂĽcker, C. - “Strömungsuntersuchungen an Textilmaschinen mit Hilfe der Ă„hnlichkeitstheorie” - Textilpraxis international : TPI - vol 48 content/page 202-205
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  • Limberg, W.; Stromberg, A. - “Pressure measurements at supersonic speeds on the research configuration ELAC I” - Zeitschrift fĂĽr Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research - vol 17 content/page 82-89
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  • Klöker, J.; Krause, E. - “Numerical simulation of vortical and coherent structures in compressible jet flows” - Applied Scientific Research - vol 51 no 1/2 content/page 331-335 - doi:10.1007/BF01082557
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  • Hänel, D.; Henze, Andreas; Krause, E. - “Supersonic and hypersonic flow computations for the research configuration ELAC I and comparison to experimental data” - Zeitschrift fĂĽr Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research - vol 17 content/page 90-98
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  • Ewald, B.; Durst, F.; Krause, E.; Nitsche, W. - “In-flight measuring techniques for laminar flow wing development” - Zeitschrift fĂĽr Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung : ZFW = Journal of flight sciences and space research - vol 17 content/page 294-310
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  • BrĂĽcker, C. - “Study of vortex breakdown by particle tracking velocimetry (PTV). P. 2: Spiral-type vortex breakdown” - Experiments in fluids - vol 14 content/page 133-139
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  • Limberg, L.; Opitz, R.; Lorang, L. - “Theoretical and experimental studies based on a new model of the mechanics of breathing” - Int. Sci. Conf.
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  • Krause, E.; Limberg, W.; Jeschke, M.; Klöker, J.; Fechner, H.; Rotteveel, S. - “Zeitabhängige, kompressible räumliche Motorinnenströmungen” - Kolloq. SFB 224 - content/page 155-180
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  • Krause, E.; Althaus, W. - “Vortex breakdown : mechanism of initiation and change of mode” - IUTAM Symposium - content/page 173-185
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  • BrĂĽcker, C. - “Experimentelle Untersuchung des Wirbelaufplatzens in Rohren mit der Particle-Image-Velocimetry (PIV)” - Book - Aachen
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  • Meinke, Matthias; Ortner, E. - “Implementation of explicit Navier-Stokes solvers on massively parallel systems” - Flow simulation with high performance computers - vol 38
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  • Meinke, Matthias; Hofhaus, J. - “Parallel solution schemes for the Navier-Stokes equations” - Supercomputer 93. Anwendungen, Architektur, Trends. Hrsg. H.W. Meurer
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