Publikationen 1986

  • Hänel, Dieter; Dortmann, K.; Schröder, Wolfgang; Schwane, Richard - “Numerische Berechnung reibungsbehafteter Innenströmungen” - 4. BMFT-Statusseminar Luftfahrtforschung und Luftfahrttechnologie
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  • Schröder, Wolfgang; Hänel, D. - “A comparison of several Mg-methods for the solution of the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations” - 2. European Conference on Multigrid Methods - vol 1228 content/page 272-284 - doi:10.1007/BFb0072652
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  • Schröder, Wolfgang; Hänel, Dieter - “Application of the Multigrid Method to the Solution of Parabolic Differential Equations” - Notes on numerical fluid mechanics and multidisciplinary design - vol 14 content/page 249-260
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