Aerothermale Auslegung von Raumtransportsystemen - Übersicht
Die Vorlesung wird in Sommer- und Wintersemestern gehalten
Dr.-Ing. Ali Gülhan (+49 2203 601 2363 |
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Schröder
Organisatorische Fragen (z.B. Prüfungsanerkennung)
Dr.-Ing. Ali Gülhan (+49 2203 601 2363 |
Inhaltliche / stoffliche Fragen
Dr.-Ing. Ali Gülhan (+49 2203 601 2363 |
- Die Vorlesung wird auf Englisch gehalten
- Themen:
- Aerothermal problems of space vehicles
- Aerothermodynamic design approach
- Methods of preliminary spacecraft design
- Effects of viscous hypersonic flows on spacecraft design
- Effects of boundary layer transition on spacecraft design
- Effects of strong interaction phenomena on spacecraft design
- Aerodynamic stability of spacecraft
- High enthalpy effects during hypersonic flight
- High temperature materials
- Fluid-Structure-Interaction during hypersonic flight
- Design and Performing Hypersonic Flight Experiments
- Design of Interplanetary Missions
- Simulation and Verification Tools