Publications 2000
- Brücker, Christoph - “3-D measurements of bubble motion and wake structure in two-phase flows using 3-D Scanning Particle-Image-Velocimetry (3-D SPIV) and stereo-imaging” - Laser techniques applied to fluid mechanics : selected papers from the 9. International Symposium - content/page 621-635 - doi:
Open in RWTH Publications - Rutten, F.; Meinke, A.; Schröder, Wolfgang - “LES of turbulent flows through 90 degrees-pipe bends” - 8. European Turbulence Conference - content/page 329-332 - doi:
Open in RWTH Publications - Hanke, Wolf; Brücker, Christoph; Bleckmann, Horst - “The ageing of the low-frequency water disturbances caused by swimming goldfish and its possible relevance to prey detection” - The journal of experimental biology - vol 203 no 7 content/page 1193-1200 - doi:
Open in RWTH Publications - Krause, E. - “The von Neumann revolution: Numerical methods in fluid dynamics” - Computational fluid dynamics journal - vol 9 no 3 content/page 147-156
Open in RWTH Publications - Ewert, Roland; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Aeroacoustics source terms for the linearized Euler equations” - AIAA paper - vol 2000 no 046
Open in RWTH Publications - Rütten, Frank - “LES of turbulent flows through pipe bends” - Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM = Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics - vol 80 - doi:
Open in RWTH Publications - Thomer, Oliver; Schröder, Wolfgang; Meinke, Matthias - “Numerical simulation of normal and oblique shock vortex interaction” - GAMM 99 - vol 801999,1 no Suppl. 1 content/page 181-184 - doi:
Open in RWTH Publications - Ewert, Roland; Opiela, Mario; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Computation of the aeroacoustic sound field generated by the turbulent flow behind a blunt trailing edge” - Computational fluid dynamics journal - vol 9 no 1
Open in RWTH Publications - Hillenherms, Cornelia; Limberg, Wolfram; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Experimental setup for transonic flow over a 2-D rectangular wing section oscillating in pitch” - The aeronautical journal - vol 104.2000 no 1038 : 104.2000,1040 content/page Paper-No. 0313
Open in RWTH Publications - Krause, E.; Abstiens, Ronald; Fühling, S.; Vetlutsky, V. N. - “Boundary layer investigations on a model of the ELAC 1 configuration at high Reynolds numbers in the DNW” - European journal of mechanics / B, Fluids - vol 19 no 5 content/page 745-764 - doi:10.1016/S0997-7546(00)00127-8
Open in RWTH Publications - Brodetsky, M. D.; Kharitonov, A. M.; Krause, E.; Pavlov, A. A.; Nikiforov, S. B.; Shevchenko, A. M. - “Supersonic leeside flow topology on delta wings revisited” - Experiments in fluids - vol 29 content/page 592-604 - doi:10.1007/s003480000127
Open in RWTH Publications - Fares, Ehab Mahmoud Aziz Mohamed; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “A differential equation to determine the wall distance” - International journal for numerical methods in fluids - vol 34
Open in RWTH Publications - Fares, Ehab Mahmoud Aziz Mohamed; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Numerical simulation of the interaction of wingtip vortices and engine jets in the near field” - AIAA paper - vol 2000 no 222
Open in RWTH Publications - Ewert, Roland; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Comparison of numerical schemes applied to CAA problems” - Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM = Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics - vol 80 no Suppl. 1 content/page S605-S606 - doi:
Open in RWTH Publications - Fares, Ehab Mahmoud Aziz Mohamed; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Zonal approach for the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations” - Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : ZAMM = Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics - vol 80 no Suppl. 3 content/page S633-S634 - doi:
Open in RWTH Publications - Meinke, Matthias; Krause, Egon - “Simulation of incompressible and compressible flow on vector-parallel computers” - Parallel CFD '99 Conference - content/page 25-34
Open in RWTH Publications - Schröder, Wolfgang; Henze, Andreas - “Numerical analysis of flows over space transportation systems” - International Conference on the Methods of Aerophysical Research - content/page 177-182
Open in RWTH Publications - Brücker, Christoph; Park, K.; Schröder, Wolfgang; Steinseifer, U. - “In-vitro study of the flow through a new tri-leaflet mechanical heart valve prosthesis using phase-locked DPIV measurements” - Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik : 8. Fachtagung
Open in RWTH Publications - Thomer, Oliver; Krause, Egon; Schröder, Wolfgang; Meinke, Matthias - “Computational study of normal and oblique shock-vortex interactions” - European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering
Open in RWTH Publications - Brücker, Christoph - “A detailed study of the role of the wake on the motion of single bubbles and bubble pairs using an advanced PIV-method” - 9. Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Predictions
Open in RWTH Publications - Henze, Andreas; Schröder, Wolfgang - “On the influence of thermal boundary conditions on shock boundary-layer interaction” - DGLR-Jahrestagung - vol 2000 content/page 175-175
Open in RWTH Publications - Lang, N.; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Experimentelle Untersuchung der Hyperschallkonfiguration ELAC mit berührungslosen Meßverfahren” - Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2000 - vol 2000 content/page 208-208
Open in RWTH Publications - Brücker, Christoph - “3-D measurements of bubble motion and wake structure in two-phase flows using 3-D scanning PIV and stereo-imaging” - Laser techniques applied to fluid mechanics : selected papers from the 9th International Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, July 13 - 16, 1998 / R.J. Adrian ... (eds.) - content/page 621-636
Open in RWTH Publications - Krause, E. - “Numerical simulation of supersonic and hypersonic flow around delta wings in comparison to experimental results” - ECCOMAS 2000, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ; Barcelona, 11.-14.9.2000 ; incorporating the 6. International Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS 6) / [ECCOMAS. European Community of Computational Methods in Applied Sciences]
Open in RWTH Publications - Krause, E. - “Shock induced vortex breakdown” - Proceedings / 10. International Conference on the Methods of Aerophysical Research : 9.-16.7.2000, Novosibirsk - Tomsk, Russia / Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences... / ICMAR 2000 - content/page 109-114
Open in RWTH Publications - Meinke, Matthias; Krause, E. - “Application of LES to jets and internal turbulent flows” - Advanced Turbulent Flow Computations : [lecture notes concerning the IUTAM School on Advanced Turbulent Flow Computations held at CISM in Udine on 7.-11.9.1998] / Peyret, R. [u.a.] Hrsg - vol 395 / International Centre for Mechanical Sciences content/page 155-208
Open in RWTH Publications - Brücker, Christoph - “PIV in multiphase flows” - Particle image velocimetry and associated techniques : January 17 - 21, 2000 / ed. by M. L. Riethmuller. Lecture series ; (Rhode Saint-Genèse) : 2000.01.17-21 - vol 2000-01
Open in RWTH Publications - Konrath, Robert; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Stereoscopic particle-image velocimetry (PIV). A new approach using telecentric lenses” - 10th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics : Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 10 - 13 July 2000, Lisboa, Portugal
Open in RWTH Publications - Ewert, Roland; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Determination of aeroacoustic sources for a hybrid LES/CAA approach” - Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV-7 : Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, July 4 - 7, 2000 / [International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV)]. Ed. by Gianfranco Guidati .... - Vol. 1-6
Open in RWTH Publications - Fares, Ehab Mahmoud Aziz Mohamed; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Numerical simulation of the interaction of flap side-edge vortices and engine jets” - ICAS paper / International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences - content/page Paper-no. 0212
Open in RWTH Publications - Rütten, Frank; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “LES of turbulent flows through 90É-pipe bends” - Advances in turbulence VIII : proceedings ot the Eighth European Turbulence Conference ; held in Barcelona, Spain, June 27 - 30, 2000 / ed.: C. Dopazo
Open in RWTH Publications - Ewert, Roland; El-Askary, Wageeh Ahmed Abd-El-Fattah; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Computation of turbulence related noise on the basis of large-eddy simulation” - Second Aeroacoustics Workshop : in connection with the National Research Project SWING (Simulation of Wing-flow Noise Generation) ; 6/7 October 2000 in Brau[n]schweig, Germany ; proceedings / co-org. by: DLR Braunschweig - Institut für Entwurfsaerodynamik ... Ed. by H. Körner ...
Open in RWTH Publications - Ewert, Roland; Meinke, Matthias; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Prediction of sound radiation with a hybrid LES-CAA approach” - Aeroacoustics Workshop ; TU Dresden, 28.-29.1.1999 / Költzsch, P. [u.a.] Hrsg
Open in RWTH Publications - Lang, N.; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Experimentelle Untersuchung von Leeseitenwirbeln in Überschallströmungen: Strömungssichtbarmachung und Geschwindigkeitsmessung mit Vapour-Screen und PIV” - Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik : 8. Fachtagung / veranst. von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie GALA e.V. / Fachtagung über Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik <8, 2000, Freising> [Hrsg.:] A. Delgado ...
Open in RWTH Publications - Brücker, Christoph - “3-D multiplanar PIV measurements” - Particle image velocimetry and associated techniques : January 17 - 21, 2000 / ed. by M. L. Riethmuller. Lecture series ; (Rhode Saint-Genèse) : 2000.01.17-21 - vol 2000-01
Open in RWTH Publications - Rütten, Frank; Schröder, Wolfgang - “Low frequency secondary flows” - Report IB-AIA-2000-4 / Aerodynamisches Institut der RWTH Aachen
Open in RWTH Publications - Krause, E.; Kalkmann, U. - “Prandtls Schüler in Aachen” - Ludwig Prandtl, ein Führer in der Strömungslehre : biographische Artikel zum Werk Ludwig Prandtls / Meier, G. E. A. Hrsg - content/page 243-276
Open in RWTH Publications - Krause, E. - “Numerical methods in boundary-layer theory” - Grenzschicht-Theorie
Boundary Layer Theory : with 22 tables / Schlichting, H. [u.a.] Hrsg - content/page 681-706
Open in RWTH Publications - Peyret, Roger; Krause, Egon - “Advanced turbulent flow computations : [lecture notes concerning the IUTAM School on Advanced Turbulent Flow Computations held at CISM in Udine on September 7 - 11, 1998]” - Proceedings - Wien [u.a.] - vol 395 content/page 315 S. : zahlr. Ill., graph. Darst.
Open in RWTH Publications